Orders are usually shipped within 24-48 hours. We do not ship orders over weekends or holidays. You can expect orders within the US to arrive in 3-5 business days. Shipping within the US is free on orders of $150 or more. For more info see our FAQ's page.
We offer free domestic exchanges of unworn and unused merchandise within 30 days of delivery. When returning an item for a refund, $10 will be held from your refund to cover shipping and restocking. You may choose to return an item for store credit at no additional cost. Click here for details.
Warehouse Sale purchases are either final sale or exchange only.
Jewelry may be returned for exchange or store credit only.
Candles, nail polish, and shoe care are final sale.
For international orders, please contact us at support@fortress.shoes.
Meet the Shoemaker
A family owned and operated factory run by a third generation Peruvian-Italian designer.